Sold: Well Established Garage Door Repair Business: $195,000

Asking Price:$195,000

Gross Revenue:$243,357


FF&E: $20,000 (included in the asking price)


Business Description

This is a profitable Commercial and Residential Garage Door Repair Business for Sales . Service Offered: installs and repairs residential and commercial garage and overhead doors, and electric motors.

The business has very little overhead and high profit margins. It currently operates from a very low cost home office, and it has more job requests than it can handle. The current owners are ready to retire and are not interested in growing it, however there is great growth potential.

The business has been around for 26 years and has a very well established customer base in the its market. There are a lot of clients that are willing to wait long time to be serviced rather than go to someone else. The owners do not do any type of advertising, not even a website. The business has been growing by word of mouth alone, and the owners have to turn down work all the time because they are so booked.

This business for sale has significant growth potential, with strong margins and very low overhead. It has yet to reach its full potential. With any marketing efforts, the business is likely to yield great additional profitable growth.

Knowledge of the Garage Door Repair business is not required to take advantage of this opportunity.

Detailed Information

Included in asking price
Real Estate:
Building SF:
This business can be run from anywhere. Currently the sellers are running it from their house. Very low maintenance. The office does not need more than a desk , a phone and a computer. Company also leases approximately 3,500 square feet warehouse for $900 per month. The lease is month by month right now and can be interrupted at any time if you prefer to rent storage somewhere else.
This business was started in the 1991. This is one of the most reputable garage door repair in the area. There is some competition, but this business has more work requests than it can handle. There are very few garage door repair businesses in the area and even fewer with good reputation. This business is known for quality work and great customer service.
Growth & Expansion:
The company does not have active sales people working the streets. It also does not have a website and it does not do any type of advertising at all. It simply handles the current customers that call in and place orders. All clients come by word of mouth. With a little marketing effort, the business is likely to yield great additional profitable growth. The business could already use additional installation technicians.
Support & Training:
Owners willing to train for 30 days, and willing to train and work with the company for up to one year.
Reason for Selling:

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