Top Machine Shop Business for Sale : $1,270,000

Asking Price:$1,270,000

Gross Revenue:$1,404,823

FF&E:$1,100,000 – included in the price

Real Estate:$170,000 – included in the price

Business Description

Machine Shop for sale – Great Deal

This Machine shop specializes in the repair and maintenance of equipment, such as, drainage pumps, bulldozers, graders, cranes and EMD engines as well as fabrication work.

Full CNC production shop capable of small or large production runs. The sale includes one Doosan 650, one Doosan 300 and two 400 Doosan long bed lathes with 21″ hydraulic chucks , among other top of the line equipment. The equipment was bought new by the current owner.

The Shop works closely with local parish government in the repair of their equipment. The majority of the companies they served were in the oil field service industry.

The seller has another work that he has to focus on , and is selling the shop for the price of the assets alone. Great Deal.

Detailed Information

Real Estate:
Included in asking price
Building SF:
Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E):
Included in asking price
We have a 7440 square foot facility housing lathes, mills, drills and torch cutting equipment. Our material list includes iron, cast iron, aluminum steel and stainless steel.
Growth & Expansion:
Can be expanded quite a bit with the right marketing efforts
Support & Training:
Complimentary 30 days transitional training.
Reason for Selling:
Has to focus on another business.

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