is interested in buying a Bar/Restaurant ASAP within 10 miles radius from the French Quarter.
He is able and willing to pay up to 2 million dollars for it, as long as the asking price is justified.
He might consider a bar at a further distance also if the bar has high profit.
If you know anyone that owns a bar / restaurant in that area please let them know I have an interested buyer and forward them this post.
Our business does offer a great referral fee if our buyer ends up buying the bar you refer to us , so please email me your name and contact information if you are referring a business.
This is my contact information:
Adriana Cowart
Cell: 985-320-7517
Fax: 504-303-4702
Email: adriana@chiscagroup.com
Feel free to call, text, email or fax.
Thank you for your help.